Agile Notes (No. 41)
This is the last week of working our way through another reading of the EXCELLENT Coaching Agile Teams by Lyssa Adkins. For now. I say for now because this is a book meant to be USED. There are so many tools provided. I find something new every time I open it. This week - Chapter 13: It’s Your Journey. Next week we will start looking at Collaboration Explained by Jean Tabaka. Unless I end up changing the format to borrow prompts from
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In this final chapter, Lyssa shares the journeys of six different agile coaches. The capture above is from Martin Kearns. The highlighted bit knocked me on my ass. To catch everyone up, I was laid off back in October 2022. When I first kicked off my search for my next role, I got it in my head that I could slap “agile coach” on my resume in the hope that would gain me a little attention. At least the attention of anyone seeing the top part of my Linkedin or resume.
Then I started re-reading Coaching Agile Teams. And the universe responded with this bit. So arrogant. I did EXACTLY what Kearns writes. I took the title in an effort to elevate myself above others - in this case other scrum masters. I felt I needed this title to differentiate myself. I know better. I did it out of …ego?…panic? Those first days of being unemployed are rough. You tell yourself all sorts of stories. I thought I could make that jump from scrum master (in a pretty UN-disciplined environment…sorry, not sorry) to “coach” fairly easily. I had “coached” people wanting to be scrum masters. I had worked with teams trying to improve performance.
I need to EARN the role. Like in just about E.V.E.R.Y. position I have ever held I have had to perform in the role BEFORE being given the title. Every.Single.Time. I KNOW this. That is why I am going with panic. But it is ok. This passage was a HUGE shock to the system. It was shaka buku. Comment if you know where that is from BEFORE you hit the link!
Meanwhile, lots of good conversations with people. Some interviews so far as companies come out of the end of 2022 and plan for 2023. The layoff came a little before the economy really started to go sideways.
Get that real-world experience. Don’t overreach. Stay humble.
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